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The Heart of love Page 14

  It was to be a simple dish – grilled lamb, cooked in the Greek style, served with pommes de terre en blanquette and fine beans.

  Diving back into the store cupboard, she brought out some eggs, flour, sugar, butter and a couple of lemons.

  “I think a nice lemon sponge will be the perfect way to end the meal – I want it to be lemony, moist and as light as a feather.”

  Arthur beat the eggs for her whilst she creamed the butter and sugar together. She then zested two of the lemons in the grater.

  “So did you discover who sent those mysterious packages that appeared this afternoon?” asked Arthur, as he tipped the beaten eggs into Verena’s bowl.

  Verena could feel herself blushing deeply – she did not want to answer him.

  “Ah, I see – ” said Arthur knowingly.

  She was praying that something would rescue her from the ensuing awkward silence – and a potentially embarrassing explanation – when all of a sudden there came a massive roaring sound from beneath their feet.

  “Goodness, what is that?” exclaimed Verena.

  “It sounds like the ship’s engines, my Lady.”

  “But surely it cannot be?”

  Just then, the Seahorse gave an enormous lurch – so violent that Verena dropped her wooden spoon onto the floor of the galley.

  “We are moving,” she called, “Arthur, do run upstairs and find out what is happening. This lamb is at a crucial stage and I cannot leave it. I would hate to serve the Marquis a burnt offering.”

  “Right away, my Lady,” replied Arthur, springing up from his seat.

  Alone in the galley, Verena wondered what had made the Marquis change his plans.

  ‘We were not due to leave Athens until the day after tomorrow. Why has our stay been cut short? The crew will be most unhappy.’ The door to the galley opened and Arthur returned.

  She looked at him expectantly.


  “It seems that the Marquis has ordered the ship to sail at once, my Lady. The Captain did not know why and did not feel that it was his place to query his orders.”

  “Of course,” murmured Verena, “but it does seem a rather sudden decision.”

  She returned to basting the lamb. Now she could not wait until after dinner to find out for herself the reason for this unexpected departure.

  Fifteen minutes later the dinner was served.

  Verena waited anxiously for the meal to end. By the time that Jack had appeared, she was really feeling quite nervous.

  “Do you know why we have left Athens so early?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t and I’m not happy about it,” barked Jack, “I was planning to spend tonight in a nice little taverna and now I’m stuck here. Hmmph!”

  Verena resumed icing the lemon sponge – she placed little curls of lemon peel on top and drizzled the whole cake with sugar syrup.

  “There that should sweeten the proceedings,” she declared as she slid it onto a bone china plate.

  Jack made a disgruntled noise and began to clang pots and pans around the galley.

  ‘I will be glad to take my leave of this place tonight,’ she thought, ‘now I must run to my cabin and put on my new dress.’ She loaded the cake onto the dumb waiter and sent it upstairs with one tug of the rope.

  “You’re not stopping for dinner?” asked Jack, in a surly fashion.

  “No, I am not hungry,” replied Verena truthfully.

  “More for me then.”

  Verena cast her eyes upwards in exasperation. There were now very few unpleasant things about being on board the Seahorse, but Jack was definitely one of them.

  In spite of the Marquis expressly requesting her presence in the Saloon after dinner, Verena felt quite wary.

  ‘I must not expect too much, in case his mood has changed once again,’ she told herself as she put on her elegant new dress and matching slippers.

  She brushed her hair till it shone and pinched her cheeks. Catching sight of herself in her tiny mirror, she could see that the expression she wore was one of anxiety rather than joyous anticipation.

  With a wildly beating heart Verena made her way to the Saloon. She hesitated outside the doors before knocking – inside she could hear the gramophone was playing Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’. ‘

  The perfect setting for romance,’ she mused and then sighed heavily.

  Apart from a few meaningful stares and the fact that he had held her hand that afternoon, the Marquis had shown no inclination of affection towards her.

  ‘But I have vowed to be patient,’ she reminded herself, ‘and I am determined to wait, even if it takes another hundred voyages around the Mediterranean.’

  Composing herself she waited until the music had died away before knocking.

  But the seconds ticked by and the Marquis did not bid her enter.

  ‘Perhaps he has forgotten that he has invited me,’ she wondered or maybe he is ignoring me.’

  She was on the point of leaving, when the door flew open, “Verena, my dear. Do come in.”

  ‘This is unusual,’ she thought, ‘he has not done this before.’ “Might I say how beautiful you look this evening, Verena?”

  Compliments! She was quite taken aback by his effusiveness.

  “Now, please be seated, I have much to talk to you about.”

  He took her by the hand and led her to a chaise. Verena sank down, unsure of how to interpret his behaviour.

  There was a long pause before he spoke, “I feel that I owe you an explanation for my recent conduct –”

  “Really, James, there is no need. I understand that you have been through an enormous amount and it all became much clearer to me today.”

  “Please, let me continue –”

  He gazed deep into her eyes, his expression both entreating and earnest.

  “Dearest Verena, there is so much I have wanted to say to you, but I have struggled with myself over how to begin.”

  She could feel the blood rising to her cheeks as she listened. She remained silent, scarcely daring to breathe in case she missed a single word.

  “In the days since I discovered your true identity, I have found myself to be overwhelmed by my feelings for you. Verena, my darling, do you understand what I am saying?”

  He sat down on the chaise next to her and took her hand gently in his own.

  She wanted to answer him, but could not speak.

  “My darling, there is still a part of me that is convinced that anyone or anything I love is destined to die. It is as if my love was a poison that can only kill. When I first saw you as your true wonderful self, I found myself in utter turmoil. After that long evening together, I was terrified by my feelings.

  “Then today, standing by my mother’s grave, I knew that I had to reveal my love for you. Darling, could you love me?”

  “Oh, yes, yes!” cried Verena, her eyes shining.

  The Marquis kissed her hand with fervour and then gently met her lips with his.

  Verena was filled with joy in one instant – he loved her!

  His kisses became more persistent and demanding and she felt that she was floating away on a cloud of sheer joy.

  He held her in his arms for what seemed like an eternity before releasing her. His warm amber eyes were so full of love that it made her heart feel like bursting.

  “It was as if I had to take you to where my mother is buried to make sure of my emotions. I now know I was right and I believe that she has been guiding me towards blissful happiness.”

  They remained locked in an embrace for long moments and then Verena reluctantly pulled free.

  “But why have we left Athens? I had expected that we might stay a little longer – there is still so much to see. Please do not tell me that we are returning to England. Even though I now feel so much stronger, knowing I have your love, but I do not think I could bear it.”

  “Please, worry no more. We are not bound for England but Cyprus, the birthplace of Aphrodite. I have a very
special reason for wishing us to curtail our visit to Athens.”

  Verena looked at him, searching his amber eyes for some clue. His smile was so warm and gentle – and it was a smile just for her.

  The Marquis stood up and sank to his knees at her feet.

  “Verena, my darling, there is the most wonderful little Church in Limassol – it has so many wonderful memories for me – and I want so much to take you there.”

  “I would love to,” she whispered feeling that she must be in a dream to be this happy.

  “And there, I wish that you would do me the honour of becoming my wife. The priest is an old family friend and he will conduct the service, if you will only say yes. Do say yes, my darling, I beg of you!”

  Verena’s eyes filled with tears. Such happiness!

  “My life is now complete,” she murmured. “Yes, James, of course I will marry you in Limassol.”

  “Oh, my dearest Verena, I am the happiest man alive,” cried the Marquis. “There is no other way I would wish to spend the rest of my life than by your side.”

  “And I will always love you with all my body and soul forever and ever.”

  “Verena, we will be so happy together.”

  “And returning to England?” she muttered, “what of that?”

  “If you do not wish to go home, there is no reason why we cannot stay on the Seahorse a while longer. Is there anything that requires your immediate attention in England?”

  Verena thought hard. Her father. Much as he had hurt her, she still loved him dearly and missed him. And she was sure that he felt the same way.

  The Countess could not come between father and daughter for too long – “There is Papa,” she answered, “I need to make my peace with him and explain why I ran away.”

  “Surely he will forgive you? How could anyone not,” exclaimed the Marquis, holding her closely once again.

  Verena considered awhile.

  “He has his life with the Countess and now I have mine. I am sure he would approve of you, once he has recovered from the shock.

  “I feel so very loved, James, with you I can face anything – even the Countess. I love you so very much from the very depths of my heart.”

  The Marquis kissed her passionately and stroked her hair, his eyes so full of love.

  “Darling, together we can do anything. We are sailing to the very Heart of Love – you and I are just beginning our journey through life. Together forever!”

  They held each other so closely that they felt that they were one.

  The Seahorse continued to carry them through sparkling blue waters towards their destination, where they would receive the blessings of Aphrodite and all the ancient Gods and Goddesses for their true love which will last for as long as time itself.